The Drama Club
My Monthly Newsletter
I want to share my words and incite conversation. I want to hear from you. I want you to trade ideas like friendship bracelets. I want to build community. I want you to feel the glow of my words through the warmth of the screen. I want you to know its okay to feel like you’re too much, and I want you to believe there’s no such thing. You just are. Enough, worthy, brilliant, bitchy, cool, pretty.
Surprisingly, The Drama Club is not a newsletter about theatre or theatre kids. The Drama Club is a feeling (a vibe, if you will). The Drama Club is a liminal space. The Drama Club is a runway toward your dreams. A place for us to explore our innermost thoughts and feelings and fears. A room full of run on sentences and loud voices.
But yeah, also a newsletter. Once a month drops, about whatever comes to mind, plus a lovely advice segment which you can submit to here, as well as a round-up of my current obsessions.
Reading is very good for you. Nothing I say is true for everyone, but everything I say may be true for someone. If you love me, if you hate me, if you wish I’d join YouTube — I’m much better with words than I am with video (shocking, from the local TikToker). Plus I’m only requiring you to read once a month. AND you’ll have exclusive access to preorders, tours, and more.
Love you say it back.